Stranded conductors executed from bare copper Cu; OF-Cu or tinned microwires CuSn. To superflexible connections in electric equipments.
Executed from bare copper or tinned wires, stranded with pitch from 8 to 20 diameter conductors. To flexible connections in electric equipments.
Braided high flexible conductors executed from bare copper or tinned wires, round or square braided with 8, 12 or 16 strands. To connections in switches, contactors, electric brushes. etc.
The tube executed in the form of the plaiting from tinned copper wires whose the expandability and coverage can be determined precisely by changing the braiding angle.
Tapes executed from soft bare copper or tinned wires in the form of the braiding. To flexible connections in electric equipments, energetic and automotive industries.
Tapes executed are from copper wire, bare or tinned copper. To connections earthing in control cabinet or flexible connections in power circuits.